It’s never a good time to make a bad hire.

Traitify by Paradox is the world’s fastest, scientifically validated assessment, taking only 2 minutes to complete. Backed by decades of scientifically-validated Big Five personality research, Traitify reduces bias while quickly identifying candidates' strengths, reducing short-term turnover, and building high-performing teams.

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Sure of Myself
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2 mins

time to complete


completion rate


reduction in short-term turnover

Improve and standardize interviews across your organization.

Research backed, rigorously tested.

Backed by Big Five personality science, the Traitify assessment has also been validated by third-parties, inclusive of more than 400,000 candidate responses. The assessment highlights personality traits and strengths – and never makes a decision about a candidate’s qualification or fit.

Create a better assessment experience and drive completion.

Decrease candidate drop-off and drive conversions with an intuitive, visual-based assessment. Candidates simply view a series of image-caption pairs and respond “me” or “not me,” and then get their unique results.

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Mobile first + simple experiences = higher assessment completion.
Research backed, rigorously tested.

Improve and standardize interviews across your organization.

Gain a deep understanding of your candidate’s personality and strengths before the scheduled interview. Managers benefit from a comprehensive pre-interview guide with questions based on the candidate’s personality traits, helping to better suggest the right roles for your candidates.

We help assess candidates
for world-class companies.

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Predict workplace performance and potential.

Take your insights a step further and help your recruiting teams and hiring managers predict role-based performance and potential. Based on 70 years of validated research, our cognitive assessments measure a candidate’s General Mental Ability, a measure of our ability to learn new things and solve problems, and predict a candidate’s role-based performance and ability to grow in the role.

Prioritize quality.

Predict role- based performance and spend more time with excellent candidates.

Assess for impact.

Cognitive assessments are critical for roles that are external facing, business driving, and have an impact on revenue.

Reduce cost per hire.

Hiring the wrong person costs your team time and budget. Hire the right person the first time.

Fuel internal growth.

Hire candidates for the right roles to increase tenure, internal mobility and business momentum.

Predict workplace performance and potential.

Make better hiring decisions with assessments.

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