Here’s how retailers are hiring at light speed using AI.

Carter’s and Tractor Supply are setting records in retail hiring to overcome labor challenges by turning to AI and automation, reports NBC News.

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Seven minutes. That’s how long Carter’s applicants now take to get to a scheduled interview.

Meanwhile, Tractor Supply decreased its average apply time to 12 minutes (an over 58% reduction).

Retailers like these have increasingly been able to streamline their hiring process and recruiting with conversational AI, according to NBC News.

That means they are offloading repetitive tasks from to a recruiting AI assistant. The AI assistant can then answer candidate questions 24/7, screen for basic requirements through text, and schedule interviews immediately. And recruiters can then better focus on what’s actually important: people.

All of that removes delays in the retail hiring process, which is more critical than ever.

The article goes on to explain that the number of job applicants in retail fell by about 40% last year. The remaining job seekers are more apt to abandon an application with any delays and “spring to another retailer who responds more quickly.”

So Carter’s, Tractor Supply, and other retailers are turning to “natural language processing-enabled chatbots to speed the recruiting and hiring process to fill their employee ranks."

For more insight on how retail companies are transforming recruitment to meet current demands, check out the full NBC News article.

Written by
Joe Prats
Joe Prats

Every great hire starts with a conversation.

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